William C. Dameworth, managing member of Forensic Strategic Solutions and member in charge of valuation services, presented a current update on active passive appreciation entitled “Active/Passive in Divorce: Appreciate the Appreciation” at the AAML/BVR National Divorce Conference in Las Vegas on May 8 – May 10, 2019. This conference was the inaugural joint conference presented by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and Business Valuation Resources (BVR), and is anticipated to be one of the premier ongoing annual conferences on advanced divorce valuation and litigation issues.
Bill’s session for the conference entailed a review of active passive appreciation analysis illustrated with a comprehensive case study throughout the presentation. Topics included the close interaction between the appraiser and attorney due to varying state divorce statute and case law, the identification and quantification of active and passive factors, causation and the similarities and differences between active passive analysis and business valuation.
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