Forensic Investigations

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We are a team of certified fraud examiners, certified public accountants, investigators and forensic technology experts. We understand and assess quantitative and qualitative evidence to ferret out the truth; detect financial improprieties and accounting discrepancies; illustrate, present and testify about findings; and identify and offer recommendations to protect vulnerable business processes.


The risk for an organization to suffer loss due to fraud, waste and abuse is always high. Our vulnerability assessment is designed to identify exposures; evaluate symptoms of financial improprieties; and offer recommendations to minimize the risk of future abuse.


Through the integration of our practice areas, we are uniquely positioned to synthesize unlimited amounts of quantitative and qualitative data to identify trends, relationships, unexpected patterns, inconsistencies and irregularities. We have extensive experience working with large, diverse and often incomplete data sets of financial, operational and transactional data that allows our professionals to perform in-depth analysis, mine for specific transactions and uncover patterns indicative of wrongful activity. Our forensic technology experts have the financial crime analytics knowledge and experience to efficiently identify and collect relevant and responsive data across enterprise-wide systems and repositories including proprietary or outsourced third-party systems.


Our team combines investigatory, accounting, and forensic technology expertise to reveal relevant facts and isolate incidents of wrongdoing in financial disputes. Examples of forensic investigations we perform include:

  • Asset misappropriation
  • Embezzlement
  • Corruption
  • Kickback schemes
  • Trust disputes
  • Financial statement fraud
  • Misappropriation of trade secrets and intellectual property
  • Asset tracing
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Sources and uses of funds analysis
  • White collar investigations
  • Whistleblower investigations
  • False Claim Act violations
  • Fraudulent conveyance


Our years of experience and expertise in investigations and advanced data analytics provides invaluable knowledge in the investigation of alleged misconduct within organizations. We provide independent and effective fact-finding strategies to arm our clients with defensible, fact-based evidence to address whistleblower claims, and regulatory and prosecutorial investigations on critical matters and allegations, including:

  • Accounting fraud and improprieties
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Self-dealing and undisclosed relationships
  • Vendor fraud
  • Misappropriation of assets
  • Auditor independence
  • Regulatory violations
  • Corporate misconduct
  • Ethical misconduct
  • False Claim Act violations
  • Whistleblower allegations
  • Intellectual property infringement or misappropriation


Our specialized training and expertise in criminal investigations can assist prosecutors or defendants. We apply accepted investigative principles and techniques to assist in the prosecution or defense of criminal matters. Through the integration of our practice areas and expertise, we use data analytics, interviews and evidence examination to uncover financial crimes, identify perpetrators, develop evidence and/or make referrals to law enforcement agencies. Our knowledge of case preparation and presentation increases the likelihood a criminal matter will be pursued by law enforcement agencies.


We apply the latest forensic technology and accepted methods to gather and preserve digital evidence for domestic (divorce), criminal or other matters in dispute even if data was intentionally deleted or manipulated. For more information read about our Forensic Technology practice.

Fact Sheet for CPAs and Counsel

When fraud hits the workplace, knowing how to respond the right way can help curb losses and increase the chances of recovery. Download this sheet to learn the best practices for employers and counsel and how to respond when clients suspect financial fraud.

Forensic Investigations Tip Sheet

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Analyzing the Variety of Data

Analyzing the Variety of Data

Lindsay H. Gill, director of forensic technology, discusses the differences between structured data – or “traditional” data – and unstructured data, which ...